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  • Is the only professional organization that represents all hematology and oncology specialties and practices in Alaska
  • Advocates on behalf of members on reimbursement and other issues
  • Provides representation on legislative issues.
  • Shares resources with other oncology-related organizations
  • Maintains a comprehensive database of member information.
  • Collaborates with other state oncology societies, ASCO, COA, ASH and other entities as needed.
  • Provides a comprehensive website.



Denali Oncology Group offers FREE professional memberships to physician oncologists and allied professionals.

Physician Membership is open to any oncologist, including those in practice in any oncology specialty, oncology Fellows and retired oncologists, as well as oncology physician researchers and educators.

Allied Professional Membership is open to allied oncology professionals, including physician assistants, nurses, practice managers, pharmacists, navigators and others working in similar roles with the practice.

Click here to join online!

Corporate memberships are available.  Please contact Tammy at for more information or call us 907-203-1837

Denali Oncology Group
907-203-1837 Office