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HomePast Events

McCarthy, Alaska

40th Annual Denali Oncology Group Meeting

Presentation Links Below



Friday August 4, 2023





3:15pm – 4:15pm

45 mins +

15 min Q&A


Updates in the multidisciplinary management of brain and spinal metastases; Click here for Presentation

Amol Ghia, MD

MD Anderson

4:15pm – 5:15pm

45 mins +

15 min Q&A


Targeted therapy for CLL; Chemotherapy is SO yesterday !  Click here for Presentation   


Bill Bensinger, MD

Northwest Cancer Specialists


6:00pm – 7:00pm

45 mins +

15 min Q&A


Reducing toxicity for breast cancer patient undergoing radiotherapy  Click here for Presentation  


Kimberly Corbin, MD

Mayo Clinic

7.00pm –8:00pm

45 mins +

15 min Q&A


Emerging immunotherapy strategies in melanoma: Opportunities and challenges  Click here for Presentation


Lisa Tachiki, MD

Fred Hutchison Cancer Center

“This activity has been approved for 9 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)TM through the joint providership of Providence Health and Services Alaska and Denali Oncology Group. Providence Health and Services Alaska is accredited by the Washington State Medical Association to provide continuing medical education for physicians.”

Saturday August 5, 2023





8.00am – 9.00am

45 mins +

15 min Q&A


Case-based discussion on managing patients with metastatic disease to the brain and spine  Click here for Presentation  

Amol Ghia, MD

MD Anderson

9:00am – 10:00am

45 mins +

15 min Q&A


Overview of ASCO’s new 5 year strategic plan of 3 pillars

Julie Gralow, MD

Executive Vice-President & CMO ASCO

10:15am - 11:15am

45 mins +

15 min Q&A


Spatially fractionated palliative radiotherapy
Click here for Presentation


Kimberly Corbin, MD

Mayo Clinic

11:15am – 11:45am



Private DOG Business Meeting – PLEASE attend

In the Salmon & Bear Restaurant

Executive Committee:

Mary Klix, President

Matt Olnes, President Elect

Steve Settle, Vice-President

William Perry, Secretary

Marilyn Konte, Treasurer

Andrew Cox, Member at Large

Tammy Thiel, Executive Director

5:00pm – 6:00pm

45 mins +

15 min Q&A



New Breast Cancer Therapies
Click here for Presentation


Julie Gralow, MD

Executive Vice-President &


6:00pm – 7:00pm

45 mins +

15 min Q&A


Immunotherapy for Myeloma
Click here for Presentation

Presentation with Asian Sushi & Steak DINNER

Bill Bensinger, MD

Northwest Cancer Specialists







Scaling Precision Medicine for Cancer

Treatment and Prevention

Development of Precision Oncology

Therapeutics in the Genomics Age

Kevin White – CEO Provaxis


Mark Lackner – CTO Zentalis

Denali Oncology Group
907-203-1837 Office